Through God’s grace,
we aim to see an indigenous, biblical church
movement in each people group of East Asia,
evangelizing their own people and reaching
out in mission to other
Our Story
International Mission: "We share the good news of Jesus Christ in all its fullness with East Asia’s peoples to the glory of God."
U.S. Mission “As advocates for every people group in East Asia, we encourage,
enable and equip the
body of Christ to serve God’s purposes
among them."
Prayer Requests
1. Lord, thank you for your church in South
Korea. Please use your people in South Korea
to bless the peoples of East Asia. Work through
your church to send many people to East Asians
to share the good news about Jesus
2. Pray for the advancement of the gospel in East Asia and that those gripped by fear by news of the coronavirus would call out to God for salvation.
3. Pray for Christians in Mongolia to remember
the steady hope they have in Christ and to share
that hope with others amidst very uncertain times.
4. For more prayer resources, download the OMF Prayer app in the iTunes App Store, Google Play, or Amazon App Store